what is it about me people love to hate . just no respect for you as a human being at all. its like this society has serious distaste for people being themselves .

id really find it quite interesting to see how people actually see me to who i actually am.

people are so.fucking weird with that comtrolling behaviour bullshit .

literally everyone is up to something trying to control other people .

it truly is astounding.

you cant be preoccupied for one moment one of these bloody people seem to be trying to get the better of you and keep you down in some way shape or form

when did my life me as a person disrespecting me patronising me constantly trying to impose or something. . it only shows me there is genuinely some sort of power struggle that most people are constantly trying to uptain and i really dont care. if you knew me at all you would know that. but here we are you must see me as threat and already made your assumptions in fact you actually create the whole dynamic by your prejudices not the other way

  1. Well for one, I’m curious to know what kind of personality you have. And two, well what would you expect, corruption is everywhere but better not end up like them is a good solution.

  2. you might be autistic

    like this sounds extremely autistic

    the best way to mask (act non-autistic to avoid people doing this) is usually culturally specific & I don’t want to give you bad advice, but masking can reduce this issue if it is autism

    non-autistic people *are* constantly in a power struggle & you need to navigate that in a basic way to avoid harassment

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