I am a RA, I have a new resident from turkey (I live in america). She washes her underwear in the sink after or before she bathes, someone saw her washing her period blood and they reported it to me. I talked to the girl and she said it was normal in her former school. And it her routine to wash her undies in the morning. I asked if we could compromise and asked her if she can wash it in the shower and she said she doesn’t want to because she will be wet and uncomfortable. Any advice, i know moving to another can be difficult and want her to be as comfortable as possible but 3 students have already complained about this.

tl;dr – new student washing undies in the sink making other uncomfy

  1. Talk to the school and let them handle it.This is a biohazard to other students, on top of being absolutely disgusting.

  2. People complaining about this need to chill. Lots of people wash underwear (and other clothing) in their sinks. It’s likely this student doesn’t feel the need to do a whole load of laundry for a single dirty pair of underwear (college students often have to pay to use the facilities).

    As long as it’s a bathroom sink and not a kitchen one, we should be good. Bringing up biohazard concerns is very extra lol. Unless the student is actually leaving blood or mess in the sink this should not be a problem. A better compromise would be for the school to provide lysol wipes or other sanitizing agents and asking her to wipe up after washing her panties IF she IS leaving a mess.

  3. She may be fine with it in her own bathroom sink, and maybe others who live in the same country or neighboring countries or some other parts of the world would be fine with what she does… but when sharing with others, there are also other people who may not share her habit so people should always try to find a compromise or something along the line.

    I would bring it up to office of student affair or your immediate department you report to on how to solve this issue.

  4. if she’s breaking dorm rules, address it with her. if not, what are sinks for if not washing things? if someone accidentally got a bunch of poop on their hand while wiping, what would you suggest they do? theres a lot more “biohazards” from that

  5. I once had a college roommate that regularly refused to change clothes after she’d bled through her pants so consider yourself lucky she’s cleaning up after herself lol

  6. So where else can she do it; is there another sink available that’s not for washing in or should she let her period stained pants fester until laundry day? So long as she sanitised the sink afterwards then surely no harm or foul. Isn’t that what sinks are for, and bleach for that matter. Nothing quite like period shaming our fellow women.

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