Any tips on how to defend against people that express strong emotion (like crying) directed towards you in public? I’ve almost had my reputation be ruined because of one of these people.

  1. Don’t engage in someone else’s drama. Walk away, avoid toxic people. If it is a friend with a mental health issue, don’t argue, try to walk them home while keeping things as calm as possible.

  2. Hm, what a difficult situation. This may sound harsh but if they are really sensitive and can’t control their own emotions. You either be strict to them or tell them to be strict to themselves. Because, if this happens way too often, especially in public, yeah it could be embarrassing. Another option is leaving them, they have to realize themselves that the world (life) ain’t pretty and they got to walk on their own two feet. If they got anger issues or lightly making you their emotional attachment. Leave them.

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