Hi guys, I’m a 30M and After six months in a relationship with my girlfriend (31F) I’m starting to ask myself if i really want to continue or to break up. She’s really a Great girl: beautiful, smart and funny, but i feel Like, maybe, I don’t want a relationship. I’m a guy who have lots of projects going on, Like my business for example, which I want to grow a lot compared to what Is It now or maybe my beloved judo where i train 5 times a week and still want to compete in the various competitions in my country, and much more. The point Is, that, in the last days I’M starting to feel Like i would need more time for myself, to grow my hobbies and passions, which Is Crazy considering that i hang out with my GF only two days a week. Furthermore She seems to want only to visit new places during our time together, which I’m not all that interested in. Every time She asks me ” where Will we go the next weekend?” I think” Oh gosh again? I would love to have some time for myself…”. plus travelling every weekend has an impact of my finances, She hasn t this problem because her parents pay for her travels, since She Is still studying. I dunno guys… Have you ever been in such a situation yourselves? What did you do?
Thanks for your time, and Sorry for my english .

I(30M) am starting to feel bored about my relationship After six months. What should i do?

  1. Break up. I mean, it sounds like you would rather priotize other things over her, so there’s no point in wasting her or your time any further.

  2. It is normal to feel bored in a relationship after the honeymoon phase wears off but it is important to talk to your partner about wanting to stay in instead of traveling. Seems like you need to chat with her and convey what you feel. Boredom is normal in any relationship and in fact healthy in some ways. Looks like your problem is not boredom but lack of healthy communication with your gf. If you don’t have time for a relationship and want to focus on yourself then there’s nothing wrong with it but if you continue to string someone along knowing that!!! Well, seems like you have some decisions to make and talk like a man.

  3. > She seems to want only to visit new places during our time together, which I’m not all that interested in.

    She is also bored, unless in the joint project of ‘visiting new places’. Once the children arrive, problems solved. No more boredom. Busy, busy, busy.

  4. break up. be clear about the reasons. it would hurt more if she figured out you stayed even tho you didn’t want to.

  5. Give yourself some time to think things over. Please don’t make decisions on a rush or you might regret it later. In case u decide to stay, just talk to her on what you want your dates to be, give her the chance to decide too if she is amenable with that. If ever you decide that you have no room to spare for a relationship in your life right now, the least that you can do is be honest with her. Nothing hurts more than being led to something that is not.

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