I’m going to try and keep this as short as possible (if I can)..

One of my best friends and I went on a vacation back in the summer. We ended up having a fight on the vacation, we’ve never had one before.. barely have ever had a disagreement on anything. We made up literally an hour later, we both apologized to each other and all seemed fine. I was ready to move on. On the plane home, we had a really deep heart to heart. Again, thought everything was fine. I forgave her. I wasn’t mad at her. She mentioned she had personal things to deal with once she got back home (a family member was really sick) and that she had to deal with that.

We went our separate ways after the plane landed. I knew she’d be going to see that family member, and I wanted to give her some space. Like an idiot, space turned into about a month and a half or so. I reached out to her, said I missed her, wanted to know how everything is going. We were texting back and forth, and I asked if we can hang out and catch up. She said she’s really busy taking time for herself and trying to move out, so I said okay and I understood. We would text for a few days and then it just kind of died down.

This was about 4 months ago. I’ve been agonizing over this ever since. I’ve been going through every scenario in my head, trying to figure out if she is trying to push me away or if I’m reading this all wrong. All I want to do is reach out to her again but she hasn’t reached out to me yet. So… all I’m asking is, how do I reach out and what do I say? I don’t want to sound awkward. Sometimes I misread things. Truthfully, I just want her back in my life and I need a bit of a push. What to say/do/etc. Thanks in advance.

  1. It’s possible whatever happened on the vacation isn’t as resolved as it seemed. Or it is possible that your friend is that type of person who likes to get really close to someone, but after the first fight they totally lose their liking for that person. Or, something we aren’t thinking about at all.

    But I don’t think you are misreading this. I think you are getting pushed away. But, as long as it doesn’t drift into the realm of stalking, it’s OK for you to text them again and fight to keep the friendship going. Some people need the other person to do the fighting for a relationship. I’d say text her with an invitation to do something you know she likes and will have a hard time turning down. Or a party invite so she feels like it is not a heavy emotional talk and that there will be buffers.

  2. “Hey it’s blah blah blah. I’ve been thinking about you lately and would like to catch up. I miss my friend.”

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