Hi everyone!

TLDR: Any advice on what to do if you (25f) live at home, and your parents are literally always home, & the guy (26m) you’re seeing (new) had roommates and you want to hook up.. but you don’t want them hearing you, etc.

Any advice on what to do if you (25f) live at home, and your parents are literally always home, or at least your dad is & the guy (26m) you’re seeing has roommates and you want to hook up.. but you don’t want them hearing you, etc. etc. It’s super new but I got out of a relationship (4 years) 4 months ago and I haven’t been with anyone since so I don’t know what people do now a days lol.

  1. i was gonna say car but i don’t think you would want that to be your first time out of your long relationship LOL if your funds allow, get a hotel! doesn’t have to be fancy or anything if you don’t want it to be or if you do, make it a thing! go grab dinner in the city and stay the night at a hotel. get summm

  2. Can you treat your parents to a dinner/night out or is there a reason your dad is always at home?

  3. Go to your boyfriend’s place and fuck the shit out of him. Grown people, with roommates, do this all the time.

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