I have always really struggled to make a fun plan for the day when it involves other people. My boyfriend has expressed that he is always making all the plans and would really like me to step up. I want to hang out with friends too but never know know to suggest activities for us to do.

When I pick activities I feel immense pressure to make sure it is fun for everyone and I end up so stressed about making sure the other person is having fun that I ruin the experience for us both so I’ve sort of stopped trying and now I’m feeling really lost as to how to plan any sort of outing.

I’d really appreciate any advice! I know the typical stuff like going to a museum or a restaurant but other than that I’m having a really hard time coming up with anything other than that.

  1. I guess it depends what your boyfriend/friends like to do. Paint and sips/other artsy classes, hiking, other interesting nature things in your area (I have a wolf sanctuary nearby that’s cool), bowling/pool/arcade, doing a campfire night at a state park type place, game night at your house, concerts (even small local ones), karaoke or trivia.. idk just some ideas. But you should think about specifically what your people are into and tailor it to that. Obviously you can’t please everyone, but you can ask people what they think too and judge based on their responses. Take the pressure off yourself and just have fun with it! 🙂

  2. Uh huh, so it sounds like you do know how to pick and plan activities, you just don’t know how to deal with the pressure of it. It’s like whenever my cousin picks a movie for us to go watch, she is always prefacing it like “OK, but if you don’t like it, you can’t say anything to blame me!”

    One way to go forward might be to think about the things your friends have mentioned liking or wanting to try in the past, and finding variations on those things. But ultimately, the best thing would be to just accept that if you chose something and everyone has a bad time, they won’t lifelong blame you for it because they accept that trying new things doesn’t already work out.

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