I don’t want to anymore, i am done. We know both of us each other for some time, and both shook hands when we said we both like each other. Many compliments comes from her too me, and she is invested in text messages to me.

But for the love of god, 2 weeks before our first real date, right now i am turning into a simp i feel like. Like some minutes ago i sent her a warm and happy good night message, because she said she wishes me a good sleep tonight.

So of course i answer in the best or nicest way possible. But now after reading it, my message is too nice.

But i mean i am in love okay, i am just in love, so of course im going to be nice to her through chatting from time to time when she sends me those nice messages.

So in the end of the day if she loses interest in me, she just wasn’t the right one for me right?

I am so done with this, ooohhh watch out or you might simp too much, fall too much in love with her. Controlling these emotions is difficult if you like the person so much.

Am i just doomed, do i approach wrongly, or should i just wait it, because i feel like, each time i send nice messages to her, she loses interest in me, but man i just don’t want to be an asshole, thats not what i am!!

  1. I would just be yourself, that’s what you’re best at. And if the best version of you is a romantic, then so be it – someone will love you for that.

    I did a lot of things for my SO before we started dating that would be considering “simping” – got her flowers when no one else would, did things to cheer her up when she was having a bad day/week, etc. She knew my feelings (because I made them clear to her) and so knew that there was intention behind these gestures. She said later she thought it was a bit much at times, but we still ended up together nevertheless. Next month we’re celebrating one year (and this after I had been single for three years with little hope of a relationship).

    The process works, especially if you’re not a young kid. A 21 year old girl may not be used to someone treating them respectfully and with kindness, but adults are usually tired of the childish bullshit that immature men bring to the table.

  2. in my opinion youre only a simp if she was a stuck up, mean woman and you were still grovelling for her

    if youre happy and want to say nice things then go for it! its a good sign that you enjoy your time with her, and finding deep human connections is important.

    its better to be honest about your feelings than making a pretend personality to talk with her because then she will actually know *you* and it feels way more wholesome to be loved for who you are than for all the pretending you do

  3. Chill man, if she likes you, she ll be happy to see your ‘nicest’ messages and she ll be happy. Do not overthink. Behave how you feel. If she gets cold somehow, she is not the one.

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