Okay so I’ve been dating my gf which is my ex now for 1 year . When we first started dating she told me she wanted to be friends and she didn’t want a relationship but she was leading me on like coming over to my house late at night being otp allat . So this other girl like her and I thought she was tryna play me . So fast foward to February we started dating . Mind you I would notice she would be i contact with her exs (keep that in mind ) which I thought was weird and I didn’t like but she thought it was the mature thing . So then December hits and she goes to her ex birthday dinner . The week before I got mad bc I saw her walking in the hallway with her ex . And so I was mad saying I was gonna fight them and allat . So like 3 days she ghost me and finally broke up with me . I found out that my ex best friend was going back telling her everything I told her and then she lied and told my gf that I said I was gonna cheat on her . So she broke up with me and said she wanted to heal her self so she could become better for me . Then she said I needed to heal .. than a day ago she called bc I asked why she didn’t wanna hang out with me bc it had been 3 weeks since we hung out and I asked her why she ignored me .. she was like she don’t want a relationship right now , so when we broke up we were basically still together bc we were hanging out , have sex yk allat .. so she was like she going thru a lot and all that .. and she said she didn’t want be with anybody .. I don’t know

1 comment
  1. Too much drama. Move on.

    If you don’t want a partner that is in contact with their exes, you need to tell them so. Having a partner overstep a boundary you have and not letting them know isn’t “the mature thing to do”.

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