How do you prevent hangover if you have to drink alcohol?

  1. Charcoal based pills. Kind of like a supplement, acts as a protective coat on ur intestines. Pop one jn the morning before or after

  2. As long as I make sure to get at least one glass of water in between drinks, I’m just peachy the morning after.

  3. Usually just not drinking too much, and when I do, I drink lots of water and take some LMNT (electrolytes) to be properly hydrated.

    I’ve seen some ads about [](, a supplement that binds the things that make you feel hangover. I’ve wanted to try it, but only available in US.

  4. Choose your alcohol wisely. When drinking seltzers, I tend to not have a hangover because they don’t have a lot of sugar. Drinks with a ton of sugar make me have a hangover/feel like crap the next day

    Of course, food and water are also important

  5. eat plenty before (and snack a little) while you drink

    and absolutely for EVERY drink you have, you must have a glass of water with it

    not like 5 drinks and then chug 5 waters, but have one drink and then one water, one drink etc

  6. I am not judging, but you DON’T HAVE TO drink alcohol. It’s not a necessity for life. However if you do want to partake in drinking, def make sure to eat before drinking and make sure to have lots of water. Make sure to avoid any Tylenol because that can be super dangerous when mixed with alcohol.

  7. I bought these things called DHM pills. They don’t 100% work, but I feel a lot better in the morning than usual. Look up “No Days Wasted” or “FlyBy” on Amazon. Those are the two brands I have found work best. Sometimes for added guarantee, I take them before and after drinking. Also if you are disciplined, chugging a liquid IV or electrolyte drink after drinking before bed.

  8. greasy heavy meals before. sour food while drinking. if it’s not good, leave a bottle of water whith a lemon in it next to the bed. when you wake up in the middle of the night drink it all at once and go to sleep. you’ll be fine next time you wake up.

  9. Eat enough during the day – carbs are best because they absorb some of the fluid.

    Don’t mix your alcohols.

    Drink so much water, during the day before, afterwards before going to bed, and any point you might wake up in the night. Also, when I’m out and acknowledge I’m getting tipsy, I’ll down a pint of water to help.

    Also if I wake up in the night, I’ll normally take a couple of painkillers.

    If my stomach is unsettled the next day, I’ve actually found downing a can of cola to help settle it works alright.

  10. Kind of a weird hack… but I find that as long as I have sex after I’m done drinking, I won’t get the spins when I fall asleep and I’ll wake up with less of a headache. I don’t know if it’s the physical exercise itself or just the fact that I’m more tired after and fall asleep quicker but it’s always helped me. Another thing that really helps is not drinking right up until you go to bed. Give yourself an hour or two to sober up before sleeping. Also, making sure you follow your nighly skin care routine and putting on lots of moisturizing products before bed always makes me feel less dried out in the morning and less gross. Lastly, being prepared to take a shower in the morning always cuts my hangover side effects in half. The steam and warmth really helps.

  11. I’ve been a bartender for 15 years, I’ve partied a lot and when I was completing my degree, I wrote an article on drug and alcohol abuse in the service industry.

    Eat a high protein meal before you start drinking. Have lots of water before, during, and after. Pace yourself — one standard drink an hour is a solid way to go.

    One way to do that is to have larger drinks with less alcohol content. For example, order a single in a tall glass, or have a glass of white wine and make it a spritzer.

    One thing I’ll note: some people cannot handle alcohol and will always get hangovers. I can get migraines occasionally but for me, one thing that’s a guarantee to set it off is alcohol. So if you get migraines, have acid reflux, or another pre existing condition, you may not be able to avoid hangovers.

  12. You never HAVE to drink and I suggest you don’t if you have any interest not being a drinker.

    Life is way better without alcohol in my experience.

  13. What do you mean “have to drink alcohol”? Maybe this is a language barrier but you never HAVE to drink. You choose when you want to drink.

  14. Milkthistle. Natural and will help your liver cope. However, ditto for all those saying eat first, drink water and try and drink a Lite alcoholic drink if available.

  15. Lots of water and Gatorade w a pinch of salt the next day. A Benedryl before bed if I’m drinking wine, I’m not sure how but it always saves the day

  16. Eat a lot of food before, preferably something fatty. You absolutely don’t want to be hungry – it’s best to take some snacks with you if they won’t be provided. Take magnesium supplement beforehand and drink lot of water. Drink a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks. Know your limits and don’t overdo it. Don’t mix different kinds of alcohol – if you start with vodka, stick to vodka or other translucent alcohol, but don’t switch to f.e. whisky. Especially, don’t switch between beer, wine and hard liquor. Pick your poison and stick to it.

    Source: I used to drink a shit ton in my teenage years before I got mononucleosis at 18.

  17. Drink water all day beforehand, drink water during, eat a meal before you go out.

    Or simply abstain

  18. Whenever i drink alcohol, I make sure to drink the same amount of water. What helps me is after drinking a glass of whatever, I’ll drink a glass of water. Then I’ll go get my second drink.. Also, I limit myself to two drinks only.

  19. I never have to drink alcohol. If I choose to, avoiding a hangover is as simple as not over drinking.

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