so this one guy from school rated me a 7 out of 10 and ig it’s good right?? i don’t know i’m unsure i don’t know him very well, i’ve only talked to him twice i think idk what to feel

  1. A lot of people critique and judge because they can do it or cause of some other deeper issues. If you have met/talked to this person only once, I guess what they think of you should not matter to you that much. Irrespective of whether it’s good criticism or bad.

  2. There’s no need to feel anything. His opinion is not relevant.

    Cultivate your looks while centering your self-identity on something other than your looks.

  3. I rate him a 2 out of 10 for being a jerk who behaves like a villain in a 90s teen romcom. It’s what’s on the inside that counts so with adjusted scoring that means you’re beating him like 20:1.

  4. Are you like 12?

    Like, not to be negative, but only someone quite young would care what a random boy rates them out of 10 based on 2 brief encounters.

  5. Wth do they mean? Why did this person rate you? Did you ask for this? I’d ask if the scale means 7 is lucky – as in lucky not to date them.

    Someone who thinks they can rate you on a scale 1-10 for your looks is not a good person. They are being both rude and insensitive. Even if they say you’re a 10, It’s objectifying and patronizing. Also a kinda bizarre throw-back to the worst part of living through the 80’s or 90’s.

    (Sorry, you didn’t ask whether it’s okay. But I had a severe reaction as a female person who has been told similar things.)

  6. Yes 7 out of 10 is good. Dont focus on some random dudes rating though. Whats most important is how you feel about yourself. Confidence is attractive.

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