So recently I (21M) was working for a company with my boss (45M). I started this internship back in October of 2021. I was hired under the impression that I would be around til the end of summer. Throughout this experience, I was “reminded”, to be more social with employees. At first I thought this might of meant that I needed to talk more about what I did on the weekend or how my day was going. As it turns out, I was wrong.

From January 2022 to April 2022, I spent most of my work day filing taxes for clients and had little time to sit down and talk with other Co-workers. While this was going on, I was asking for a performance review to see how I was doing as well as if I should plan to take my internship class in school (which requires you to have an internship). I was constantly pushed away and told to keep waiting. Low and behold, two days after tax season I was let go.

During the meeting, my two bosses did not say a word, rather than the hiring manager did all the talking. I was told that I was too young, lacked experience, as well as did not participate in the “regular” office talk. I was then asked to stay another five week and then I can leave. I am left feeling very self-conscious and confused as to why this happens. As a week went by, I have yet to hear any other follow ups from that meeting.

Every day that I have gone back, I have felt awkward and out of place. I am still being given loads of work and told I need to get it done.

TLRD: I have never been one to talk about my personal life in the office because I view it as strange. So, how important is talking about your personal life in the office?

  1. Yes, being sociable is helpful for the work environment – it’s more efficient to get things done when everyone is comfortable approaching each other for questions/opinions/etc.

    However, in this case, it sounds like the firm needed an extra body for tax season and didn’t actually intend to hire you. They’ll get another student next season. Don’t assume the social aspect of work is irrelevant, but I don’t think that’s the real issue here.

  2. Is this company influential in the industry? Do you need this internship for any kind of credit/money? Are you actually learning anything there still? It sounds like they wanted someone to pick up busy season work with no actual intention to hire you, so why not give your two weeks instead of letting them jerk you around for another 5?

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