Sorry if this sounds shallow or bad BUT, do girls get sad? particularly in my age group teens or early 20s. What do girls get sad about?

Its weird to think about because I am a weird person. ALL of the times I am sad, its because some unreciprocated feelings, so its hard for me to think that a girl would feel sad. Just dont read too hard about what that entails.

  1. Is this a troll? Of course women get sad. You think we all exist in Tampax commercials dancing around while we do laundry?

  2. I don’t speak for all girls but we definitely get sad. Hell, some days we wake up and can just feel sadness and all we want to do is have a good cry and get on with the day. What do we get sad about? Anything that upsets us. Sometimes I can see a post on like instagram and i will recall a memory and just start crying. It happens.

  3. Of course they get sad. Everyone gets sad. It’s just how humans are. And there are many different reasons why someone would be sad, not just unreciprocated feelings.

  4. There is plenty more things in life to get sad about besides unreciprocated feelings (and yes girls do have those.

  5. as a 21 yr old woman yes. I overthink a lot and am sad about the state of our world and worry about my life path. Also in a relationship and overthink and worry about that also. I think these issues apply to many women/girls but obviously not all. Plus a lot of us (probably an overwhelming majority) have body image/self esteem/insecurity issues that make us sad also

  6. Yes- girls are human also, we are not some type of alien creature. Being female doesn’t mean that your crush is guaranteed to like you also. I’ve definitely dealt with unreciprocated feelings before. Being female also doesn’t get rid of life’s other larger problems and minor inconveniences. I’m graduating in a couple weeks and I haven’t found a job yet, which definitely induces some anxiety. I also opened a cabinet drawer yesterday, and a glass jar fell out right on top of my thumb. Being female didn’t magically stop it from hurting.

  7. my guy i literally have depression

    But on the other note, i cringe everytime i see a guy talk about girls as they were some kind of magical and mythical group of creatures. They are exactly like you but with boobs.
    Do girls have hobbies? Do they get sad? Do they do anything besides doing their makeup and menstruating? Guess we’ll never know!

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