Everyone knows the flat earth theory and the moon landing theory. Years ago I personally was exposed to the New World Order theory. What are the weirdest and least bizarre (if that even makes sense) conspiracy theories you’ve heard of, or what are your “favorite” ones?

  1. What, what’s Hulk Hogan done now?

    I think we’re only a “hub” because of our early and widespread access to the Internet.

    Favorite conspiracy theory is the reason public education is structured the way it is is to throttle the rate at which new workers enter the workforce.

  2. The Flat Earth Society began in the UK.

    I love a good conspiracy theory, but they are certainly not unique to America.

    I don’t know if I have a “favorite.”

  3. They’re certainly not unique to the US

    My favorite one is that the CIA killed Kennedy.

  4. Honestly none of them, they often lead to cult-like mentality and stuff like Qanon has caused a lot of damage to society.

  5. Birds aren’t real. I don’t believe it, but I think it’s hilarious, especially some of the trolling they did.

  6. None of them are my favorite, they’re mentally destructive nonsense. What was funny 20 years ago with Coast to Coast AM is now people harassing school boards because of QAnon bullshit.

  7. Anything that starts with, “ya see, the guv-mint …”

    The government is a discombobulated confederacy of nitwits in no way capable of the elaborate mass conspiracies it gets accused of. Now, on a small scale, can the CIA give LSD to unsuspecting volunteers? Sure. But the “their putting X in substance” to control or whatever. 🧐🤨 None chance.

  8. Time Cube remains my all time favorite. If only because it’s so weird, but also because of how the webpage explaining it takes a bizarre racist turn midway through.

  9. The Red Cross is run by vampires, it’s quite plain to see.

    However I don’t think Americans are even the most conspiratorial or conspiracy-laden populations, I think Europe has way more superstitions and conspiracies than we do.

  10. The Flat Earth theory is a perennial favorite, although not so much when the guy in line behind me at Meijer is ranting about it and I’m just trying to pay for my groceries and get the hell out of there.

    Birds Aren’t Real is entertaining. It’s become a running joke in our house.

  11. My favorite is that most conspiracy theories are started by the CIA in an effort to hide their own conspiratorial behavior. If an actual nefarious conspiracy were ever discovered, the whistleblower would be lumped in with the Flat Earthers and alien abductees and ignored.

    So anyone spreading “conspiracy theories” is in reality helping the CIA by muddying the waters and discrediting the very idea of conspiracy theories.

  12. Insurance companies have been catching coyotes and releasing them across the Eastern USA to kill deer so they can reduce collisions and save money

  13. Jet Fuel can’t melt steel beams is a weird in-joke between my brother and I. We both agree that we probably won’t know the full story of what happened on 9/11 but, we both agree the Jet Fuel can’t melt steel beams theory is a load of bullshit.

  14. Probably the one that claims there is an alien civilization that has settled in a series of tunnels underneath a portion of the southwest. It’s like aliens versus cowboys 2.0.

  15. I like empty internet because it’s quickly becoming a reality. The theory is that the entire internet is nothing but bots and content produced and scheduled well in advance. Everything from this reddit post to youtuber drama is completely artificially generated for the purposes of population pacification and subliminal advertising.

    I forget the name of the next one that I like but it’s essentially a theory that we’re actually in the second era human civilization, and that thousands upon thousands of years ago there was a predecessor civilization that used to exist as advanced as us but we lost all record and memory of them.

  16. I don’t think your premise that America is a “conspiracy theory hub” is true, I’ve heard tons of conspiracy theories about the Royal Family, Stonehenge, the Pyramids, secret Soviet space programs, etc.

  17. Every country has conspiracy theories, and ours are fairly mild in comparison. The big difference with America is that conspiracy theories in other countries include visions of external threat. American conspiracists have imaginary groups within American society that would wreck our country or people. In other regions, the conspiratorial narrative includes the idea of a threat coming from outside. Especially if they can blame the US.

    And I don’t have a favorite. I’ve been around schizophrenics and they’re big on conspiracy theories. It leaves a sour taste in your mouth.

  18. That the government injects tiny black helicopters into your blood stream that fly around you body and control you by… idk I guess shooting things in you blood stream. I didn’t get to question the person espousing this view on the details. It would be interesting to know if the tiny helicopters had to refuel or if they were piloted by tiny people but I guess that will remain a mystery forever.

  19. The Chemtrails conspiracy has always been my “favorite”. It makes me giggle when I look up at the sky & see a planes contrail lol.

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