When me and my husband were “messing around” we were so much happier. Before we were married we were so much happier. Everything was better before we were married. The sex, the time we spent together, just everything. Then we got married and it’s like I married a stranger. It feels as if there’s no connection between us and I feel lonely when I’m with him. I’m tired of pretending my marriage is going well because it’s not. I’m too ashamed to say I married the wrong person.

  1. Relationships take effort to maintain. Both people have to put in work for their marriage to work. Only you and your husband can make your marriage better.

  2. You have to decide if you’re going to continue to let being ashamed rob you of good years either with your husband or someone else. Talk to him about it, don’t ask leading questions, don’t take every answer for the worst thing it could be (seek clarity if there are multiple ways to understand a response), practice safe communication and figure out if you’re going to put in the work to maintain, prune, nurture, grow, and thrive together.

    It sounds like a lot of work because it is. Best wishes.

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