How do you wash your hair? In front of you or behind you. / does it matter?

  1. In front??? WTF are ppl out there reenacting The Ring in the shower?

    I keep it short these days, so it is where it is. But when I wore it long I just let it lay where it was and washed it. It seems extremely unnatural to try and pull all that hair to the front to wash it. How would you keep soap outta your eyes?

  2. Currently on top because I have a pixie, otherwise back.

    Only front when I’m washing out dye

  3. Behind usually, but I flip forward if I want volume and some good waves, sometimes just for conditioner.

  4. Behind! Though my mom and friends say it’s better to wash with the hair in front since you can get the back of the head easier.

  5. If I’m just washing my hair (and not my body), then it’s in front. If I’m having a normal shower (body included), it’ll be behind/on top.

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