Women – what relationship milestones do you have outside of societal expectations (marriage, children, etc.)?

  1. Staying over regularly, moving in together, taking them to meet your family, giving them a house key etc

  2. Getting keys, being an emergency contact, being in the will, shared accounts/finances/credit cards, mortgages.

  3. Mostly trips together. We just finished up a giant road trip that was on our list and now we want to do back packing for a week.

  4. I don’t, and I don’t have the societal ones either. I don’t want to buy a house together, I don’t want to move in together, I don’t want to share a pet or even a couch. I’d really rather we just continue to have separate lives while dating and have lots of kinky sex.

  5. Farting while cuddling in bed, then making dutch oven jokes.

    Forget all the hallmark stuff. Relationships are real when you start being your real selves around each other.

  6. I don’t have any. If we’re talking Caribbean Indian expectations then I exceeded it by not dating anyone

  7. (In no particular order)

    – Comfortable enough to fart

    – Travel together

    – Meeting each other’s parents/family and extended fam

  8. I didn’t know that I needed this but it was a huge break through for me. I was having a bath and he came in and took a shit in front of me. He even stood up a bit while it was coming out so I would see. Most people would be disgusted and mad, but I was disgusted and laughing my butt off. Since then he has seen me shit myself giving birth to our kids. Love is mysterious.

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