In no way am I here to bash women, just sharing my experience. Anyways there was a girl at work who was flirting with me talking about her doing a strip tease and “maybe you will get too see it one day” I already had a crush on her and after hearing this i thought she was forsure flirting so I asked her out. (Mind you this is a girl who I rarely ever talk too saying this to me, and I didn’t show her much interest before this) She explained to me that she would love too but had a boyfriend at the time but was working on leaving him so she left it at “maybe”, I said no problem and kept it moving. Well after a week or so she told me she had a crush on me and was displaying extremely high interest. Literally the next day she starts to avoid me, so I avoid her back. She broke up with the boyfriend and immediately starts dating another guy at work and they’re “official” … now you can see why I would never want to talk to this chick again after she did me like that, I was totally blindsided. And you should of seen the guy she was dating lol… just bad..(like 41 yr old virgin bad) I’m over it now but still avoid her as much as possible. She avoids me too lol…almost as if I’m the bad guy..She and the new guy already broke up and she would smile at me. But I just ignore her.. and now she tries to cut me off like walking infront of me and stuff and won’t look at me. Avoids me like the plaque. I would never entertain that again even if she threw herself at me after playing me like that. Not too mention..She has 0 friends at work too. Avoids looking at people. Are some women really just this petty? I know she has a whole slew of problems and family trauma she briefly mentioned to me. And also I noticed there will be women at work that I don’t really pay too much attention to (like I don’t talk to them at all) and they try to avoid even looking at me… even believe me it’s obvious they’re trying so hard lol pettiness or what?

  1. Well, you know why she doesn’t have friends at work. Pettiness is childish but is a women and men thing sadly. Just keep avoiding her, big chance she will try again just for attention.

  2. That’s not really pettiness. She’s just very..weird? Very strange behaviour. But you need to work on your own ego, bashing another guy to make yourself feel better? Really man? He doesn’t even have anything to do with this, you’re just butthurt she chose someone else over you and you’re trying to laugh it off by looking for flaws such as him being unattractive or possibly an older virgin to feel like you’re above him.

  3. She isn’t petty, she is neurotic.

    Life, if she asked a stranger for their number the stranger would be better off giving a therapist’s number.

    Try to keep your distance.

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