What is the most inconsiderate thing someone has done to you in the bedroom? Taken from r/Askwomen u/wachailymay

  1. Honestly there won’t be much, probably not informing me she was on her period until we started having sex.

  2. Hooked up with an ex who was using me to cheat on her abusive new man. She said she was sex starved and couldn’t “O” with him.

    She came over and I gave her like three big Os! Then, it was time for my one (yeah I’m a dude) and she was not feeling it. Told me that once she got hers, she was satisfied, and wanted to stop. That was the last time I answered her DM, or took any of her calls. Selfish!!!!

  3. I dated a women who was very high sexual energy but when we would go to bed she would say “go to sleep” and not want to touch. I realized after we broke up this was all part of the games she played to control men. A year after we broke up we went out to catch up and she told me she only dated married men now…..

  4. One time I had a friend over and apparently at some point he snuck into my bedroom and stole $20 out of my wallet. I only found out about it because he bragged to his friends about it at school the next day. Even though this was over 20 years ago, I am still salty about it.

  5. Not telling me what she liked and expected me to guess. And asking made me less attractive, so I should just be able to know

  6. I had a woman try to take the condom off during sex after I had clearly explained my boundaries. I don’t know if she thought she was being sexy and spontaneous or if she was angling for child support (which would have been funny, given that I’ve had a vasectomy), but that evening ended pretty abruptly.

  7. My soon to be ex wife was giving me a lackluster blowjob, and I calmly asked her to adjust her technique in a certain way, when she stopped and began lecturing me about how some book that she read said that what she was doing was supposed to be the best technique, and I should like it. My response was to say that I didn’t know what the book said, only what does and doesn’t feel good, to me, and that I was trying to communicate with her, and didn’t feel like she wanted to communicate.

  8. All from one she devil.

    Never told me what she liked, expected me to know.
    Expected me to always initiate.
    I’ve got a mild case of ED (related to my asexuality) constantly ridiculed me for it.
    When I wasn’t doing things right she wanted to open the relationship up.
    She would cum quick, like 10-15 minutes quick and I take a lot longer. If I didn’t go off in that time she would tell me to stop.

    There’s probably more I’ve repressed but hey I got the big ones

  9. Complimented my circumcision. Like do you go around telling amputees “nice stump!”?

  10. Woke me up riding me and forgot to take her tampon out first. It smelled like death!

  11. Someone entered the bedroom with the aircon on and left without ever closing the door.

  12. Ex stopped taking the pill and begged me to cum in her quite a few times. Bullet dodged there.

    It’s not as dramatic, but I was particularly offended by a girl that gave up on being eaten out. She was telling me how she liked it and I wasn’t sucking hard enough, so she just gave up really quick. Girls like all kinds of different approaches and can’t tolerate the same things other girls get off on. It takes a minute to learn their preferences. This girl gave up in like 30 seconds.

  13. My soon-to-be ex-wife falls asleep after orgasming. I haven’t cum from sex in about nine years. I could deal with that if there was any kind of other sexual interest from her, but there isn’t. And then apparently I was the “bad” person for masturbating because it made her feel insecure.

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