I’m a believer in being honest so everyone knows what the situation is and how each feels/thinks in regards to anything. I also don’t believe there’s such thing as a little lie, a lie is a lie. You might word something in a nicer way but still the truth. I just think if I lied about something then I’d always wonder if they lied too.

Anyone lie to their partner and not feel guilty about it? What was the scenario?

  1. The hottest take here, but if you cheat on then one single time and are so sick to your stomach you’d never do it again, it’s less painful for everyone to not say anything.

  2. When I go to the store to shop for a gift for her, I usually tell her I’m going for a different reason.

  3. If someone asks me if they look nice or if their work is nice or what have you, I’m inclined to say yes even if i think they are ugly or such imo, because my opinion is biased and most times not hurting someone’s feelings is better with a white lie than being so honest that it ruins their experience

  4. Her: “What is taking so long in bathroom?”

    Me: “Pooping”

    Actually me: Jacking off

  5. Her cooking tastes great, just as good as your mom’s. You do not find other women attractive. Those jeans make her ass like nice and round but not too big. Of course you want to know what she thinks about her coworkers.

  6. When they ask how they look, the answer is always “gorgeous” even if they currently look like a cave troll

  7. If she asks if “these jeans make her look …”

    I answered honestly 1 time. One of the worst mistakes of my life. Didn’t realize it was a trap.

  8. It’s way more relaxed, fun, and sexy to have total honesty. But the woman needs to strive for confidence and the man has to be a gentleman.

  9. There’s never an appropriate time to lie. A good relationship is built on trust and honesty.

    However, there are times when you should deflect or not answer certain questions.

    For example; I bought my wife a really nice necklace for our 19th anniversary. The day I bought it I said I was at the gym. Which technically I was, but only for 30 minutes instead of 90. The jeweler was a few doors down.

  10. Oh yeah – also,

    Her: “What did you have for lunch sweetie?

    Me: * thinks about the triple cheese burger from Freddy’s, the fries & the Oreo cookie concrete *

    Me: “That kale & spinach salad with chicken that I like from that deli.”

  11. Yeah. I am also in the same moral and ethical boat as you. You should never lie to them.

    BUT….. I learned that hard way, that honesty is not always the best policy.

    For example:

    Do you think she’s prettier than me?

    Do these pants make my ass look fat?

    young man, answering these questions honestly, could be worth as much as your life.

    You should re-examine this policy and get comfortable with little white lies. 🤣👍

  12. you’re gaining way too much weight we’re going to have to put you on a diet. i’ll sign you up for a gym membership and drop you off tomorrow morning. just think of all the new friends you’ll make and what a great outlook on life you’re going to have. you’re so lucky to have me around.

  13. Let’s try out some unfiltered truth:

    “Honey, does this dress make my ass look fat?”

    “No. Your ass makes your ass look fat.”

    Your mileage may vary, but I’m going to go with the little white lie here.

  14. Good times to lie:

    1. That you like something about your partner that they can never change, for example, height, skin, hair/hairlessness. There are woman’s equivalents to this too.
    2. You only married them because your other GF/BF didn’t ask/say yes.
    3. That you like something about your partner that they can never change, for example, height, skin, hair/hairless ness.

  15. I had an ex with schizophrenia. Never had to, but there are situations in which lying to someone with a severe mental illness like that might be the right thing to do. And its easy to tell when. Just ask, “when they found out I lied will they be glad I did”. If the answer is no, then its not that time.

  16. There’s a storyline in Big Bang Theory where Leonard goes on a ship in the North Sea for months and Penny (his girlfriend) obviously stays home.

    Leonard comes home, they decide to run away and get married, on the way to their elopement they’re talking about honesty and “no secrets.” Leonard said “I kissed a girl while I was away.”

    That was wrong. He should never have told Penny he kissed a girl. He told her to make **him** feel better, but he made Penny feel worse. He should have lied and carried that secret to the grave.

  17. Don’t forget to add a lie of omission … that’s insidious, too.

    my wife and I live by 2 simple rules:

    be honest

    be yourself

    we’ve had a couple bumpy moments initially but, smooth sailing since

  18. I hate dishonesty in a relationship I’m serious in. Any semblance of insecurity gets a compliment because I belive it.

  19. If she asks “do I look fat in this” always say they look beautiful even if they look like a potato, they are asking because they did their best and they need some support.

  20. If the new baby reaches a milestone when she’s not there. Like, she missed babies first steps because she was doing a grocery run. Don’t say anything, when baby takes a few more steps later that night you can both be so excited together.

    “earlier she was standing and looked like she might try and walk, but then she just sat down” is okay. white lie

  21. I don’t lie to my partner about anything. You can be vague if you need to for gifts or something. You can just say “I’m going to the store”, you don’t need to say why. This is made easier by establishing this dynamic early. Also, don’t do shady shit that you feel the need to lie about. It’s easier to live a honest life when you have good intentions. She asks how she looks in an outfit? Well, do you think she’s beautiful? Then say that. The how do I look question doesn’t need any lies unless you actually aren’t attracted to them. If they can’t accept you’re attracted to them, that’s an insecurity that needs more than you fluffing up the reassurance.

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