So me ( m20)and my gf (fm18) have been dating for about 4 years, we broke up almost a year ago n got back together, during the breakup there was a guy she met and took pics with cuddled with and was trying to make me jealous with, she told me they didnt do anything sexual, and were only together around friends cuz he was apart of a friend group. Yada yada fast foward to now i forgave her for the most part, she cut the dude completely off when we got back together and the whole friend group doesn’t talk to him anymore n stuff. Shes shit talked him publicly etc for being weird n stuff. The shit she did stings alot but basically I dont feel as if she cares about this guy or did anything with him. Im in long distance with my gf and we met up after getting together n everything. Well now apparently this guy is going to prom with another girl in her grade and I cant stomach this feeling of not wanting to go. Cuz if I go im either going to be upset the whole time and think about what happened, or im going to get into a fight and try to beat him up. I dont want to miss the prom but the embarrassment and shame i feel going there and being with my gf while this guy was her rebound makes me extremely uncomfortable. He got to mess with my girl and shit talk me etc and I never got to do anything back. I dont know what to do, I just never wish she did that shit. She did more thats way worse during the breakup but this is what’s currently messing me up.

I also struggle alot with insecurity and self esteem issues. And I dont know if I could honestly stand being there :/

tl;dr: guy gf used to make me jealous during breakup is going to prom i was supposed to go to.

  1. Wow, poor baby. So your ex-girlfriend used some dude to make you jealous during your breakup and now he’s going to prom with someone else. Boo hoo. I mean, it’s not like she’s been committed to you for 4 years and cut off all contact with him when you got back together. It’s not like she’s publicly shit talked him for being weird. No, no, no. It’s all about your feelings and how you’re going to be uncomfortable at prom. Grow a pair, buddy. It’s prom. You’ll survive. It’s not like it’s the end of the world.

  2. You are, unless the ages included are incorrect, an adult. You can handle yourself as an adult for one evening. It’s a useful exercise. Sometimes there are people we dislike, sometimes there are people we actively hate in the same circles. We deal. As you will deal.

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