How do you deal with your depression?

  1. I don’t. I move along like everything is fine and no one believes I am In fact depressed.

  2. Medication. I’ve been on Wellbutrin for a few years now.

    When my mental health is in a good place, I work hard to keep it there. I run for endorphins. I keep the house clean. I do my gratitude journal. I avoid sad books and movies. I do not doom scroll. I try to prepare and eat all my meals with intention. I switched to paper napkins from cloth to cut down laundry and that helped a weird amount. I’d use paper plates if I ever felt like I needed that break as well.

    You do whatever you gotta do to survive. Hope things get better for you soon.

  3. I have tried therapy as well as Wellbutrin and Zoloft none of it helped. Lifting weights and weed have improved my mental health.

  4. Medication. I also have to pay attention to myself and understand when I need a break or a laugh. I do things for myself (activities I enjoy) to help maintain my mental health.

  5. Therapy and antidepressants are what helped me.

    Also, just reaching out to family/ friends, spending time around animals, and finding things to change/ distract your mind help!

  6. I do a lot of writing. My friend recommended “dumping” and once I started I haven’t really ever stopped. It’s one of most therapeutic things I can offer myself.

    It’s not even about making sense of what you write — just getting your current thoughts on paper. You process your feelings around what you’ve written as you go.

  7. This is something new I started, but I stopped smoking weed. I realized I was using it to not feel my pain but then when I was sober the unprocessed pain would hit me harder. Now I’m sober and life has been testing my resolve every minute and while the depression hurts, I’ve been able to reflect on what’s hurting and work through it so it doesn’t surface again so quickly or so strongly.

    I work through it by talking to myself about my feelings.

  8. Exercise, getting beautiful delicious sunlight, teaching myself to cook nasty good junk treats so at least if I’m depressed, I can still play amateur chef. Thinking of my earliest experiences with depression (and I have many), I did not do a lot of cute and nice things for myself like doing my own laundry, tidying. I was 15 when I was first diagnosed with depression.

    I also got a lot of mileage out of stream of conscious journally, just writing whatever came to my head for fifteen minutes first thing in the morning. This is even better if you have anxiety as well as depression. This also helped pave a way for me to figure out what kind of stuff I truly wanted to write about.

  9. Faking being happy and functional until I’m all alone at home. Then I cry and drink myself to sleep.

    Therapy used to help, but its way too expensive right now.

  10. In the past? Ignoring all my responsibilities, tanking my GPA, neglecting most of my friendships, gaining weight by eating like shit, and generally not taking care of myself or doing anything other than lying in bed.

    But thankfully things have changed over the past year. I took a break from school during which I landed my dream internship and actually went to therapy and took antidepressants regularly. Now I know that with the right combo of mental healthcare and maintaining a strict schedule to build self-discipline, I can keep it together. Even just scheduling morning events that would be embarrassing to miss (call with a friend, doctor’s appointment) as a way to make sure I actually get up and shower helps.

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