Because personally, right now, I’m considering seeking legal representation.

  1. If he watches without me one of two things happen. I am either done with the show completely or it’s no longer a together show. We watch independently

  2. Woah; so many super serious folks.

    I’d be pissed just bc it’s like skipping a class you all were working through together – just sort of wrecks the bonding aspect.

    I’d saw a forced rewatch with hubby provided snacks is in order.

  3. If he watched the show before me id probs try to read online what happens to spoil it for him and it becomes a teasing game….but i dont think either of us would get furious for something like that

  4. My bf promised me he would only watch ONE episode of Wednesday without me. He ended up watching all of it and I got so upset lmaooo.

    He was mad that his friend bailed on him and so he angrily watched the rest but I was like “you were mad at him so why’d you take it out on me😭”

    Since he pinky promised and broke that, shit hurt. It wasn’t cuz of the show, it was cuz of the principal.

  5. This happened to me recently. I started watching Prison Break on my own and my SO asked me how I could watch it without him. I told him I didn’t realize he wanted to watch it and so I stopped after Episode 2 so he could catch up.

    I went to visit him a few days later and I see he’s watching Prison Break and he’s on episode 8….like??? I asked him what this was all about and he said he couldn’t sleep the one night and just binge watched a bunch of episodes.

    I was annoyed and said that he could carry on, I would not be watching it anymore.

  6. Watch it independently. It’s hard to stay on the same page when we watch without the other. I wouldn’t be mad but I’d be a little sad because it would no longer be an us thing.

  7. Early into my relationship with my fiance we started watching HIMYM because he’d never seen it and I’d enjoyed it. We got through the majority of the show when one day he caved and said he’d binged the entire thing without me *weeks ago* when he was sick. He didn’t want to tell me because he didn’t want me to be upset he’d watched without me. I was like…dude I’ve already seen it!! I don’t care!

    It was pretty funny. For all I know he’s done this multiple times since. Honestly, I don’t really care that much because I’m not a huge TV watcher and he’s the one that finds shows for us to watch. If it weren’t for him I probably wouldn’t complete the majority of the tv shows I have (and the ones I do binge are genres he doesn’t like eg horror). If I did that to him he’d probably be pretty upset though.

    But it would be on a “I’m kind of disappointed right now” level of upset.

  8. I have no clue why this shit hurts and infuriates me 🤣

    But yes first time it happened I fought with him for 3 days. And I simply could not watch it and I was done with the show. He is going to hear about it till either of us dies. I am vindictive af. 🤭

    But good news is that he hasnt done it later after that 1 incidence

  9. Minor irritation followed by telling him I’m going to watch my catch-up episode/s while he holds the fort.

    He’s an awesome partner and I’m old enough to ask “is this worth damaging our relationship over?” before starting drama like that over a relatively minor issue.

    However, for some this could be just one small part of a bigger issue, in which case the questions to ask are ‘what are you REALLY mad about?’ and ‘what are you going to do to resolve it?’

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