I hear people talk about approaching the other gender a lot, but what exactly is the socially acceptable approach? I’m someone who’s in constant fear of doing something thats not socially accepted, and I’m even more afraid of making someone uncomfortable / coming across as a creep. So, can anyone go into detail about what an approach should look like, and why it’s socially normal? Kinda looking for mindsets of each person here.

I also feel like I can’t just do an approach, there seems to be steps that are required beforehand, what do those look like? And should I not even try if I can’t master the pre-requisites? (like eye contact.. Which makes me very uncomfortable)

  1. Just start talking to girls and be confident. Some will, some won’t, who cares move on. Know your worth

  2. Bro, baby steps. Since you’re uncomfortable with basic eye contact do not start with someone you find attractive. Start chatting up random people you come in contact at stores, gas stations, dr’s offices and build up some muscle memory. Work on developing a friendly disposition and go from there. Don’t make it weird! It’s basic socialization. You’ll get better with practice.

  3. How can I explain something to you that makes you shit your pants? How can you explain to someone how to patch up a bullet wound if they have a phobia of blood? You either choose to confront your fears or be a coward.

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