I met this cute girl in a University class a few days ago. She initiated conversation and asked for my name. Ended up running into her again at the gym later that day and she asked for my Snapchat/we hung out and had a flirty conversation.
Next day I ran into her AGAIN, this time at a college bar. We had another quick convo (I was the one who cut it short) where she still appeared very interested and flirty, then her and her friends hovered around my friends and I for the next 30-40 minutes.
Later that night I texted her to make sure she got home okay and we had a drunk text convo where she asked if I was “spicy” (gay). I said no then told her I get asked that a lot, but was in no way offended. She said “omg I’m so sorry hahaha, forget I asked”.
After that it was radio silence, I’ve just been on delivered for the past 20 hours (she’s active because she viewed my story).
But why would someone appear very interested in person, but not respond or at least open a snap message within a day?

Thank you! 🙂

P.S. I understand some guys are bad at reading signals but I’m confident that’s not me. Since starting college I’ve gotten hit on by a fair amount of women/men so I feel secure in my ability to distinguish the difference between friendliness and flirting.

  1. She might be flirting for fun and not actually interested. You may be perceiving her friendliness for flirting.
    She asked if you were gay. As women (and while I can’t generalize) we tend to be a lot more friendly, touchy, and overall more comfortable with befriending gay men since we don’t perceive them as a potential threat and they won’t try to hit on on. She may have lost interest in connecting with you now that you’re no longer considered “safe”.

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