Men who got a girl pregnant that you had no intentions of staying with long term, how did things turn out and how did it affect your life?

  1. Married her. Divorced less than 2 years later. She was unmedicated bipolar, had other issues. Didn’t think she was loved unless she was being railed by someone else. Died of a mix of alcohol and fentanyl. This was 20 years after the divorce.

  2. Early miscarriage. She was 42 and had had a bunch before (with her husband), so it wasn’t a big, awful thing for her anymore.

    Very good lesson in always wearing condoms.

  3. To avoid scenarios like this, guys who are reading this:

    1. Watch “Maury: You are not the father” compilations.
    2. Watch “Wilkos: Paternity” episodes.
    3. Watch “Lauren Lake: Paternity Fraud” episodes.

    Always get paternity tests for all of the children that women want to pin on you guys.

  4. He was forced into a state of legal slavery to her, under threat of prison, because only women get choices about becoming a parent under the law. She has the right to to kill a person to not become a parent, if she doesn’t want to. She has that legal right. He, has no such legal right because his consent to parenthood is not considered important. He is not considered to be a full citizen with full human rights. He is a 2nd class citizen with limited human rights because, apparently, he is not considered to be fully human be the law.

    Women’s choices are sacred. Your choices mean nothing. This is what women mean by “equality”.

  5. I now have to work with her for 4 more years. Things are fine now that we’re apart and work together when needed.

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