So last Thursday I asked this girl out through whatsapp that I had in my college class about a month ago last semester. I could’ve swore she was into me as she would follow me out of class and ask how I think I’m gonna do on the next test she would call me smart and ask if I have any classes, she dm’d me on whatsapp for notes etc. So when I asked her out she said yes but she was busy for the next two weeks but she actually gave me good reasons and said when she’s back we can go out FOR SURE. []( Heres the first round of texts. The for sure makes me think she meant it and I don’t know why she would come up with all these excuses and act so interested if she was going to ghost me. So then the next day I text her about the gender reveal and she tells me how shes gonna do it even sends me a pic of an example of what she’s gonna do. So the next day last Saturday so a week ago I say at night “how was your Saturday?”. I’m left on delivered and she had read receipts ON before this and then that Tuesday I say “are you more of a x or x movie kind of person”. I’m still on delivered. Now she did say she was really busy and I’m just wondering if I should take this as a ghosting situation or if you guys think she’ll actually get back to me. Also, she looked at my whatsapp story about 2 days ago. What do you think? Do you think she was busy and will get back to me? These texts make it look like she was interested

  1. She’s busy, man. In fact I’d give her a bit of space. I’m sure it’s going to happen for you, just give it time.

  2. Dude, let her go, you haven’t even gone on a 1st date and you’re already overly invested sending 2-3 texts after she told you she would get back to you in 2 weeks (which isn’t a guarantee btw).

    Based on how invested you are, you probably don’t talk to any other girls..there’s def a lot to say on this but the short answer is:

    There’s nothing to fix with this girl, leave her alone, dont text or check up on her until she gets back to you. Other than that meet other women, there is no shortage of them and I highly reccomend you build your relationship skills with them so you avoid these mistakes in the future.

    This is in no way to put you down, but these things need to be said nonetheless. I’ve been there

  3. Heh this situation reminds me of me… I was that girl. I would do my best to talk to this one guy in class and try to become “close” with him. Why? Because he was so dang smart and I needed to pass that class. He would give me his notes thank God and sometimes even answers.
    Now, let’s say he tried to date me? I would deny. Why? Well, first I would need to be interested in him HIM. Next, I would need to chat with him more through text in order to feel more comfortable in order to take it up a notch and agree to meet outside school settings.
    I agree with the other people commenting; do not text her again. The right person will come around.

  4. she thought you were interesting or was interested in some way for sure, but not enough one on one hang out or movie night. she not there.

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