I’ve (25m) been with my gf (24f) for about 3 years now but I have a friend (24f) who I think might like me. We don’t talk a lot but one of us will send or comment on a post etc

Then we will talk a little bit and she usually will call me once or twice to ask how I’m doing (but not about my relationship) and sometimes she will ask I’m interested in a project she’s doing and if I could help her. I say sure and she says she will share info and never will.

She doesn’t text me a lot but many times she will message me first asking me “should I buy this” (lotion) or “should I get pizza today? Lol”

I usually am busy so I get to her when I can.

She texted me at like 4am the other night saying she was stressing out a ton. I didn’t see it until I woke up at like 8am but she said she was ok after that and that was it

A huge part of me thinks she likes me but because I’m in a relationship she’s giving us space. What do you guys think

Tl;Dr I think a friend of mine likes me but is staying a safe distance from my committed relationship Im already in

  1. Not enough to factually say tbh. The 4am is potentially interesting but not definitive and everything else is ambiguous at best. Who knows, just keep it respectful which you seem to be, and whether she likes you or not, as long as she sees you’re good in your situation she won’t do anything directly or suggestive

  2. Why are interested? Do you like her back?

    She likes you , but whether shes interested in a romantic relationship, you would have to find out when you get out of your relationship.

    I do that with at least 4 guys, 1 in which I am interested in romantically and when he doesnt respond I try to get that same attention from the other 3. The other 3 know I’m not interested though, I make it known.

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