I went to my campus fencing club and we had some new members yesterday. They all are from a class which is taught by the professor over the club, im in that class as well. One of them was this cute girl who i have also seen around campus.

She seems really friendly which i didnt think much about but then something happened. I was showing all the new members some of the basics and when i got to her and asked “ready?” She got kind of shy and stumbled over her words saying ok. When we started she also seemed kind of nervous and unfocused.

At the end of the meet we got a photo for the club facebook page and she said she was going to scoot closer so she is in frame and asked if that was ok. I said yeah and she moved closer but idk why she just didnt move closer like other people were doing.

Does this mean anything or am i overthinking this? Sorry if the answer is obvious but im very shy myself and dont really talk to people that much.

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