When I was younger my parents pushed me into alot of public activities. That lead me to socialise, and I made a ton of friends.

Slowly, as I got older I became uncomfortable around strangers and was scared to meet new people.

Luckily I had a ton of friends in my home town and I barely had to do anything alone. I also had 2 older siblings that would gladly go with me if they had the time.

My family had to move to a new city due to my dad’s job.

I don’t know anybody here and one of my brothers has moved out of the house. My other brother has a job and is also planning on moving out in 2-3 months.

I’ve tried my best to make the best of the time that I have left with my remaining sibling but he’s visibly tired and I cannot stand doing that to him.

I don’t want to consult my parents because they also have jobs and errands to run. I don’t want them to worry about me more than they already do. And frankly It’s kind of embarrassing being a 15 year old having their parents walk them around the city.

This sounds extremely selfish, I know. *I have alot of difficulty going to public places alone and I get anxious when I’m not with familliar people.* It sounds like I need an escort for going outside.

I get so anxious to the point that I start crying and I get that horrible nervous feeling in my stomach. I try my best to tell myself that it’s really nothing. For example, taking the bus to go to school, something that I’ve done almost every single morning for countless years of my life, suddenly makes me feel horrible.

I’m just looking for a solution to not feel this way.

Do I attempt to make new friends? if so how do I get over my fear of strangers? Should I just teach myself its okay to be alone? Should I ask my parents if I can go back to my old school?

I truly don’t know what to do. Any advice is highly appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Try to make new friends! Can you join any sports, clubs, activities? I get that it’s hard to meet new people, I switched middle schools and felt really stressed but eventually became friends with my neighbors. You’re obviously very kind to care so much about your family and their feelings. I have no doubt someone as kind as you will have trouble making friends. Put yourself out there, it’ll pay off.

    And here’s a secret it took until my 30s to figure out, everyone’s nervous and scared and feels a little desperate. We’re hard wired to want acceptance and community and when that’s not being met it’s an isolating feeling. This is temporary and you’re gonna be just fine!

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