Yeah, I don’t understand how this (online) dating thing works. Why is it always that whenever I finally match with guys that I’m really interested in and have similar interests as me that it’s always a one sided conversation with them barely making any effort to keep the convo interesting? And when I match with guys I’m not as into as I would like but give them the benefit of the doubt, they do hold up conversation but I just can’t like them enough for it to lead to anything :/

I tend to usually fall for the hard to get, emotionally unavailable men and I really try not to 😭. I even started being picky when matching with these type of guys but it’s harder than you think finding decent alternative/creative guys with not a sketchy profile and who also match with me.

I deleted Hinge because I barely got any likes on there for some reason. Bumble seem to be where I find the most success, if you can call it success if I’ve only had one date that didn’t result into anything after months of swiping. I’m getting a bit desperate and reactivated my Tinder account, but the platform gives me the ick.

I’m tired of saying “when is it my time” and I’m becoming more and more impatient tbh :/ Sometimes I think I might not be cool enough for the type of men I like but realize it’s probably because of my ethnicity tbh. These creative scenes are usually white dominated and even more so living in an European country but I was hoping alt guys would be more open-minded?

Honestly, idk what I’m saying. I just needed to write my thoughts out before going to bed

edit: nah I am cool enough, maybe just not their type :/

  1. It works the opposite but the same for guys. We reachout. Get ghosted. Repeat. I reached out to 5 women today. Its very likely not even one woman will reach out to say no thanks. It’s ok. I still try. I did great!

    I celebrated by getting some new cologne.

    Girls have a hard time holding up the Convo, too. Some don’t.
    Your edit is the attitude to have. You’re awesome and you deserve the best for yourself.

  2. It is because most men on apps are talking to many girls at the same time, so they put in minimal efforts. I have the same problem, men can’t hold good conversation, or end up saying creepy things.

  3. You’re not attractive enough and they’re talking to other girls. Same advice men get when this is said on here.

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