I’m meeting an online friend for the first time in-person tomorrow, which is exciting and I think will go well, but I’m just not confident in my abilities to make conversation for a long time (about an hour) without seeming completely socially inept. Is there any advice that anybody has for this scenario? Should I prepare questions in advance to help keep our conversation flowing? How do I change topics when another one runs dry? Literally any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Focus on subjects you want to talk about first so you can better lead the conversation. Then come up with the questions. If you focus too much on questions, you increase the likelihood of sounding like an interviewer.

    You can even use the information you already have about the person to build upon. If the person’s interested in camping, you could say,

    “So you know how you’re into camping? I’ve been interested in going out under the stars but there are so many things to bring with me I don’t know what to take and what to leave. Because I’ll stuff my car with everything I have which seems ridiculous. What do you think?”

    Basically it is give a little to get a little.

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