So my (20F) boyfriend (22M) and I were having sex last night from behind. I was laying straight on my stomach and he was behind me. And after he pulled out the condom stayed in. He pulled it out and it still had cum in it but like… What are the chances I’m pregnant? I’m on the pill and obviously we used a condom but now I’m worried. And you all know Google does help. So help?

  1. If you’re on the pill and taking it correctly, the odds of pregnancy are low without a condom. I wouldn’t fret it too much. Take a plan B or Aftera, wait a few weeks, if you’re still worried order a pack of pregnancy tests off Amazon for $5

  2. Plan B if you’re worried. Better safe than sorry. But if you’re on the pill regularly chances are slim you’ll need it. Plain truth is there is no 100% correct answer or guarantee when it comes to contraception

    Also, if he is using condoms correctly, this shouldn’t happen. He should be grasping the base before pulling out. If he is neglecting to do this, I would be concerned about what else he doesn’t know. It may seem embarrassing, but honestly both of you should research how to do it properly and make sure you are both being responsible.

    **Lmao at the downvotes: anyone downvoting, feel free to reply letting me know which part of this you disagree with. I’m not shaming them. They’re mature enough to have sex, they should be mature enough to have conversations like this.**

    And if you’re a guy downvoting this because you didn’t know you were supposed to do that or never do it snd ‘nothing ever happens,’ you’re the problem too.

    Also.. “and you all know Google (I’m assuming they meant doesn’t) help?” Yes it *does.* Just make sure the site you’re selecting from Google is reputable.

    The fact that they’re not trusting Google but they’re turning to Reddit for basic sexual health information is alarming.

    In my opinion, anyone coming to Reddit with this info is getting two things from me:
    1) a genuine, helpful answer to their question
    2) a frank statement about taking responsibility for their own sexual health, since they’re having sex.

  3. If you are on the pill and you took it correctly the change of pregnancy is quiet low. I wouldn’t take plan b or another mornig after pill while you’re on birth control without talking to your gymno first.

  4. if you’re really worried, plan b. not sure of your location but if you’re in the uk it’s really easy to order online. better safe than sorry!

  5. Condoms are only 98% effective if used correctly. It appears your boyfriend does not know how to use them correctly, so they’re effectiveness is much lower, but combined with the contraceptive pill I wouldn’t worry too much. I would suggest both of you look up resources about how to use them in a way that will give you their full level of protection. For example, one of the things you must do when pulling out after ejaculation is holding the condom at the base of the penis to prevent it from slipping off. There are many more details about how to use condoms correctly, and since one isn’t born with that knowledge, you must seek it out. Make it a fun activity together!

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