My gf and i were having protected sex, and we decided to try doing it raw (stupid decision i know). I cleaned my penis from precum and we did it for like 10 seconds but i got scared and pulled out without even ejaculating. She took plan b (levonorgestrel 1,5mg) 2hs after but now we are freaking out and scared she might get pregnant. What are the chances she is pregnant? I know i did a stupid thing, a lesson was learned, and we are never going to do that again but the anxiety is killing me

  1. With the Plan B you *should* be fine. Don’t assume that the possibility is 0% though.

    Take a pregnancy test if her period doesn’t come on time to be sure.

  2. I am at the point where I want to copy and paste a comment response to this type of post.

    – you are probably fine (seriously like almost certainly you will be fine) BUT there is literally no guarantee when it comes do contraception ever
    – remember this feeling and don’t engage in risky behaviours unless you’re prepared for the risk
    – know this feeling eventually subsides when you’ve done your research and are both regularly using contraception IF you live somewhere that abortion is accessible
    – think of this moment any time anyone around you is trying to debate abortion access as if it should be a subject for debate

  3. Odds are you will be fine. Chances of her being knocked up are not zero, but they’re pretty close to that.

    You did something dumb, then did the smartest thing you could to fix it. Now it is what it is. Don’t forget plan B can throw off her period so if she’s a little late, don’t start shitting brix.

    edit: I a word

  4. Since you didn’t cum inside her and she took the plan b and most likely on birth control for her period control you should he fine

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