I’ve really been struggling this last week or so, not eating much and haven’t left my house.

I had sex with multiple guys at once and I feel horrible.

This was a big fantasy which I liked at the time, but since then I’ve felt very self conscious and been judgemental toward myself. This feeling hasn’t budged at all.

Have you felt this way before after sex? I won’t stop bullying myself about it.

  1. I felt this once with a person that I wasn’t really into so I felt gross after sex every time. Try to maintain you mind occupied with some activities or hobbies. Don’t punish yourself, it’s not your fault.

  2. I suggest that you stop believing your judgment to be true. Instead see it for what it is, a disempowering story that you or someone else made up, you believed it to be true, and forgot it was just a story.

    Make up empowering stories instead and believe them. It leads to a much happier life.

    Good luck.

  3. Hmm, no, but that’s because I don’t correlate sex with my self-worth, which seems like may be the issue for you here.

    My question would be, what makes you feel bad about it? Did they not listen to you or make you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel bad because women are not supposed to enjoy “whorish” sex? It’s ok to need time to process intense sexual experiences, but remember to be kind to your past self and, if you soul search and find you don’t want to do it again, that’s ok too and does not affect your value as a person.

  4. Not sure if this is bdsm related, but even if it isn’t, you could be experiencing a “drop” (like sub drop) which is the body’s response to the sudden drop of hormones in the body after a play session. The endorphins and other hormones like adrenaline and oxytocin, released during play, leave your body so that it takes time to rebuild the balance of hormones in your system.

    Symptoms range from fatigue, hangover like, to lost and depressed. If this resonates with you, maybe do a quick Google?

    Take time to do some self care and/or spend some time with a trusted friend. 💜

  5. You did it and it is out of your system. Don’t worry about what you did. You wanted to do it. It’s over and done with. Find a good partner and have fun once, twice a dozen times what ever you want. You are not defined by the one time. Love yourself.

  6. First, I would be easy on yourself. Many people do things they wished they had not.

    My advice, talk with someone about why you felt the desire to explore sex with multiple partners. It could be a self esteem issue or something else. It is not my thing but as long as everyone is a consenting adult, I’m not sure there is any harm speaking generically.

    Best of luck. and be kind to yourself.

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