can i ask for advice? tomorrow in hanging out with some girls who are like… weird. they used to bully me, about three years ago, but theyre nice as of recent, and im worried theyre luring me to beat me up. i dont know how to act, but if they do actually want to be my friends, im afraid ill miss out, and then stay friendless for the next four years. advice on how to protect myself in case, and then how to fit in and make them not think i’ strange?

  1. Do you want to be friends with these people? If you think they have bad motives I don’t think they’re a good fit for you.

    However people can change. If you end up going just be yourself and see how things go. If you feel like things aren’t as they seem, you gave it a shot. If your gut is telling you things are bad, leave. No reason to try harder to impress or put up with bad behavior. Popularity isn’t everything.

  2. Just don’t share much personal info for a couple of months. If they are lurking you, I can’t imagine they would spend time with you for that long.
    And if they are spennfng time with you, check, how often you are invited to the activities they normally all do.
    Like when they all meet every day but you’re the only one invited only twice a week, they’re probably lurking you.

  3. As someone who has lived long enough through situations like this I’ll tell you it’ll save a lot of pain to live by this: anyone you ever have to fear is *not* your friend. Find people who would never even dream of making you feel that way and be friends with them instead. If you do hangout with them, confront how they made you feel before. If they apologize, they’ve maybe changed, if not, they’re still emotionally immature and will have no problem hurting you again. That goes for anyone you want in your life.

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