I need advice from the men. Does vaginal discharge gross you out or even turn you off? I am a woman with that issue and I am very insecure about it, because it has an odour, it’s not a foul smell but it does have a scent, I don’t know if it’s bad because it’s my own scent, to me it doesn’t smell foul, but anytime my partner wants to have sex and starts feeling me up I stop him because I know that there must be a little bit at least in my thong and I’m nervous for him to see or smell it once we get started….. what do men think of vaginal discharge? I need advice on if I should just let it happen or go freshen up before anything happens?

  1. Hello,
    I can’t answer for every men on earth. But for me, personally. I don’t mind at all when women squirt. Actually, i just love it when women do. It is a so big turn on for me. I know there is this smell, but i don’t mind it. I guess it gives me a moment of proud of it because i get to see that the woman is squirting becaus i’m doing something great to her.

    Don’t worry about it. Only advice i’ll give is get a lot of towels. I don’t know about you but some women can squirt a lot.

    Enjoy the moment 🙂

  2. all the girls in the world have vaginal discharge. it’s bad when these secretions are not there. Guys like it when girls get wet between their legs, and this is like a sign that the girl is aroused. For this reason, you should not worry.

  3. Abnormal discharge would be green, yellow or clumpy like cottage cheese, usually with burning or itching. If you have any reason to think it’s abnormal you can see a doctor just to get checked.

    More than likely it’s just normal discharge also it will increase around ovulation and decrease during other times. It can either be clear or white, thin or a little thicker.

    The only issue I’ve had is sometimes toilet paper will be stuck to me so I would recommend just washing with water and a wash cloth. Also, you can clean the outsides e.g. vulva with mild soap or soap specifically designed for vaginas. I use a sensitive skin bar soap only. A very small amount of soap and lots of water. Do not use douches. They can cause yeast infections and irritation you don’t need to insert anything in your vagina to clean it.

    In summary, your discharge is normal, nothing to worry about.

  4. As you know, it’s totally normal and every girl produces it. I used to be insecure about it when I was younger so every time sex was about to occur I’d go and freshen up but also you should go take a pee before sex anyway, so it’s a great excuse to go off and have a little wet wipe and this will just ease your anxiety. However, a lot of guys find the smell of us quite lovely, so don’t worry toooo much about this. (As long as you know you are healthy down there, it shouldnt smell bad at all, it will smell of you)

  5. well, i want to know the same thing. i have alot and i always carry a pair of thongs in my purse, and when im about to have sex i make an excuse to go to the bathroom and change my pants and wash myself down there real quick. i am mostly insecure of him seeing spots (wet or even dried up) on my underwear, not so much about having it in my vagina, cuz most guys dont know about it and will just think youre extremely wet

  6. Totally normal and natural and nothing that is going to stop him from wanting to be in between those legs! As a woman though I think most of us can relate to worrying whether it’s pleasant enough for our partners. Literally a bidet is the best $20 you’ll ever spend. Ten second wash and you’ll feel fresh and confident.

  7. You can always wear a Panty liner throughout the day to prevent any build up. It keeps your undies dry and can help prevent the bleaching too. Depending on my cycle there’s more or less happening in my underwear and a Panty liner is just useful.
    Just remove it in advance if you know you’re going to get frisky. there are also reusable options as well if you want to be more eco friendly!

    Also.. From your comments you’re totally normal. Any man who is going to have the privilege of being intimate with you ought to know the basics of how a vagina works.

  8. My new bff is a Libra. I’m a cancer! Libra girls are so cool compared to libra men lol. I’ve only met libra women recently. Their vibe is completely different!

  9. My wife has discharge like all women.

    She showers and cleans herself up and to be frank, pussy smells like pussy. It’s got a smell and a taste. Neither are gross if you are a guy that likes going down.

    All the women I’ve been with had some kind of scent and I’ve always been with women that are hygenic. None of them smelled foul.

    I won’t put my penis where my tongue can’t go.

  10. If you’re healthy and no present infections (odors), I know I don’t mind. I don’t even think about it honestly.

  11. I’m a boy (32m) and I love going down, the smell of the vagina turns me on. some girls have more discharge, some girls have ⁰ less (I’ve had several partners), it’s normal to have vaginal discharge. sorry for my bad English

  12. No worries, we men like the smell of vagina. So much so that our brains sometimes make imaginary whiffs of vagina when we’re horny..

  13. My 2 cents:
    – we’re just happy to be invited to the party
    – that smell drives me wild and unleashes something primal.

  14. It’s normal, if it’s too much you should go see a doctor. But if not, you shouldn’t worry about it. Just go freshen up if it makes you feel more confident, but I wouldn’t mind it honestly. It happens to me sometimes and I couldn’t care less. My boyfriend either. Even when I’m ovulating and it is sticky, we don’t care

  15. Perfectly normal to get wet as you are getting aroused. Some women just happen to get more wet than others. Do not be embarrassed if he makes you squirt. It is hot for most guys that we are getting you fully aroused.

  16. That is cervical fluid that changes in texture and quantity Based on your the stage you are in your cycle. It’s normal, absolutely normal as long as it doesn’t have a foul smell or weird colour. You know there are plenty of recognised websites (clinics) that have accurate info on that.
    Is not men that have to confirm is fine, but your doctor or sexual clinic. Get to know your body and his it behaves throughout the month, and you’ll feel more comfortable being able to recognise certain Signs

  17. When I was a younger guy (early 20s) that grossed me out because I was ignorant on how women’s bodies function. As I grew in maturity and experience I began to appreciate how a woman’s body worked and not only tolerated but enjoyed their insecurities such as this. I suppose the right answer is that a guy who really LOVES you shouldn’t have a problem with it, but you should also do what you can to keep yourself hygienic which will lead to confidence. And that’s the sexiest quality of all.

  18. I like to have a lil sink rinse before I think something is going on. Don’t use soap but then you know it’s all fresh wetness. Also your smell will probably change with hormones. We can’t speak for your partner but I imagine you being insecure is less appealing than any smell. They want you comfortable and confident I’m sure

  19. It’s normal and most men don’t care. I get a bit of discharge during sex too sometimes my partner will pull out and he’ll grab a tissue and wipe the discharge off and continue again. He’s also never complained about any type of smell either.

  20. Us humans are mammals…animals…that “scent” you’re referring to is your hormones and pheromones…that very scent you’re worried about is the exact thing that will turn him on…that’s what they’re there for so don’t hide it from him…heck get some on your finger then put it under his nose, or hell wipe it on his upper lip…it will turn him on

  21. Just let it happen. You are not alone. Most dudes about to make white ( cum ) won’t give it a second thought.

  22. First, I’ll validate yr anxiety about this.

    Second, don’t worry.

    I once had a super-hot, super-smart, well-read partner who got hung up on this. She’d even wear a panty liner. Turned out her ex wasn’t down for oral because he didn’t like the discharge.

    That’s OK. Some women don’t like having male genitalia in their mouths, too. I explained that the discharge was cool and gratifying cuz I like giving and knowing my efforts are being well received.

    When you feel comfortable, ask yr guy about it. I mean, if you’re on the only fans thing you definitely need to be able to talk with him about this. It’s important because if you like getting head and he doesn’t like giving head (and vice versa) it can be an incompatibility point. Not a deal breaker, but just something you should know about each other. Good luck!

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