I’m 28 now. Anyone experience going through a lot of there 20s without close friends, or a consistent friend group? Never really had close friends that I can say I’ve shared memories with. How do you cope?

  1. I’ve always had good friends. I was talking yesterday to a friend I met in 1967. I have a half dozen people, mostly men, who I consider super close.

  2. I’m 48. My friends from HS are all but forgotten. My friends from the military in my 20s, I keep at arms length.

    My only true friend is my wife. And tbh, the only friend I care about.

    She has friends from HS and former coworkers. I’m friends with them and their husbands. But still, I prefer to just hang out with my wife.

  3. People suck. If you’re a guy hopefully you find a partner that is your person. If you can’t find that it’ll be a lonely world

  4. I don’t really give a shit. I prefer to be alone. I sort of have friends, but I might be hovering on the brink of having none at all. I always knew I’d be completely alone one day, but I guess that’s a possible future for everybody, ie. if you live long enough, people your age die and you might be the last one standing

  5. Never too late to make some. I got two who I’d consider fairly close, but there’s been some drifting apart now that we’re all in the “just getting out in the world” stage of life. If that’s the way it goes, that’s just the way it goes. I got God, my family, myself, and soon enough a good woman to love. It’s enough for me.

  6. I feel like I have no friends either. I have casual friends but no one I tell everything to or am super close with. Idk why. Certainly not a group either. I’m lonely sometimes and wish for that.

  7. 33. I had a fairly large group of friends, plus two best friends in high school. Over the follow years just gradually lost contact with most.

    At 23 cut a lot of them out because I realized our lives were not meant to be spent together. Over the next ~5 years I created a new central group of friends, became very social, and was actively meeting lots of people.

    Since 28 that group has dwindled again. My social circle is very limited now, but the ones I’ve kept in touch with I care about and I’m happier this way. I’ve known a long time now my best friend will be my life partner. I’m looking, but no longer in a rush and I’ll meet her when I meet her.

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