What’s your favorite weight training exercise to do and why?

  1. Leg press always kind of funny to sketch people out by moving a half a ton but it’s not really a measure of anything honestly.

    Otherwise deadlift I think it’s pretty much the best measure of brute strength there is.

  2. Overhead barbell press.

    I’ve injured my rotator cuff in both and torn labrum in my right…so a lot of shoulder pain and rehab to work through over the years which was big setback to my overall fitness progress.

    But I’ve come a pretty long way back from these injuries, so while my numbers aren’t terribly impressive I still get a major buzz when I am able to go up in weight pain-free.

  3. I’m in my 40’s now and I’ve moved toward using kettlebells almost exclusively (I still do pullups and pushups). Kettlebells won’t make you look jacked, but I feel great!

  4. Right now it’s dips. So versatile and satisfying; can focus on shoulders, chest, or triceps depending on where you put your center of gravity, and with full range of motion you get a good stretch at the bottom with a nice squeeze at the top. Very nice.

  5. Used to be deadlift till tonight. It’s a fun exercise because you feel like a badass nigga when you lift heavy weight clean off the ground like a beast.

    But tonight I re-activated my sciatica and now I’m fucked so I guess I hate deadlifts now, dammit.

  6. Deadlift with a trap bar. Easier on my back, technically you can lift more with a trap bar too. Either way, feels awesome and you build glutes for them slutes

  7. Feel like a weirdo compared to answers yall gave but my favorite 2 are

    Tricep pulldowns because I love the burn

    & shrugs because I can do a crazy heavy amount so I feel like a monster for 5 minutes lol

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