I was subject to a lot of ridicule among my friends and always the subject of many jokes I think this was mainly due to me being shy and being bugged out about it which made me easy to get picked on. I hated that and now I want to give them a taste of their own medicine just to belittle them for once like they did to me. How can I do this without hurting them. I literally fantasize of saying things back to them in the past where I kept quiet.

1 comment
  1. You can’t belittle someone without hurting them, come on now.

    If you want to do some harmless teasing, you poke fun at things you know your friends feel secure about, and can laugh at themselves. For example, if a friend of yours acknowledges they’re a cluts, laughs when they drop something by accident, and is perfectly fine with being a cluts, you can joke about that. If you’re not sure how they feel about their perceived “shortcomings”, don’t joke about it.

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