my girlfriend hasn’t had a period since probably around 22nd of December… we had raw sex once during that period and i pulled out before i bust. we thought she was pregnant and she bought a pregnancy test and it came out negative. so what could have caused her not getting a period ?

  1. Lots of things impact periods, stress and illness can delay them or she’s actually pregnant and you got a false negative on the test.

  2. When did she do the pregnancy test ?

    There is many reasons for menstrual cycle to be off by a bit, usually stress, environmental factors or diet / hard training.

  3. Stress, medications, hormone fluctuations, nutrition, random quirks you may never pinpoint. Many women aren’t regular, or they’re not regular all their lives.

  4. This is more for the askwomen reddit. A friend of mine had her period missing for 6 mouths becouse of stress.

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