If you have kids or if you had them, how long would you keep them away from the internet?

  1. When I was a kid there used to be a special browser on Broward Library computers that only let you search PG-13 or less websites. I’d probably let them use that for a few years.


    …I can’t figure out what it’s CALLED though, so I guess they can only use the kids section computers at the library

  2. Less about age and more about necessity. When does the internet go from a want to a need? Likely late elementary/early middle school when some rudimentary research is needed for projects in school.

  3. If you ever go to the upper peninsula of Michigan there is no such thing as the internet. You are surrounded by forests and small towns. My kids were clawing at their faces over the fact that there was no internet. It was great!! 😂

  4. Don’t hide things from kids. That never works. Same issue and same results as abstinence only sex education. Instead, focus on showing your kids how to access information responsibly. There are some good kid-friendly browsers and search engines.

  5. My oldest is 14 and we let her go on the internet. However, no cell phones and no social media accounts.

  6. I don’t think it’s feasible to keep him off for long, honestly. Seems impossible, hypocritical and counterproductive. But I’m honestly stumped as to how to approach all this.

  7. As long as possible. I allow use of certain apps and questions to Alexa. In terms of unsupervised browsing?…….probably until high school.

  8. My kids can browse the internet with some restrictions. The REAL heavy one being no social media yet. They’re 8 and 10.

  9. My 8 year old hasn’t really even used the Internet for anything other than streaming video or asking Google Home questions. Some day it’ll happen, but he’s not had a ton of interest in using a computer for anything other than games so far.

  10. Look at Kardashian kid being exposed to her midnight affair.

    As long as possible and necessary!

  11. I’d probably start introducing them to the internet in limited ways as early as preschool, since that would put them into contact with kids who probably had smart phones or tablets since they were toddlers and I would have to prepare them for that.

    I don’t know when I’d allow full, unfettered access to the internet, though. I’d probably prefer for it to not happen until they were at least 13 or so.

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