Ok so I really really want another baby, but there’s a few things to mention.

My husband and I are only 20. We had our son when we were 18, and he’s 2 now. We just got married. We’re financially stable we really could afford another baby. We’ve discussed it and we would like 3 kids. Obviously our son was not planned, but he is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to us. We are good parents. I’m able to stay home, neither of us smoke or drink, we have the space in our apartment for another aswell, if my husband agrees to give up his hangout room. (It’s just a spare bedroom he has with a couch and a big tv for his Xbox) I’ll let him move all that into the living room. (We have 3 bedrooms)

The only thing is, I don’t want to pressure him. If I say “can we pleaseeeee have a baby” he’ll say yes to appease me. I want him to have no pressure to say yes and feel perfectly fine saying no. I obviously hope he says yes will have no problem with him saying no and I will respect that, I just don’t know the right words to say.

  1. Hey, based on your post, you seem like a committed parent and a good person so please consider the points below before trying for another baby:

    -You says that you are financially stable but are you sure that having another baby will not eventually prevent you from achieving your financial goals (owning a house, being able to enroll your children in extracurricular activities, emergency fund, saving for retirement)?
    – Your husband is the sole breadwinner now and it can get really stressful. You are both young now and in good health but once you get to your thirties and onwards, believe me, he would want to work less and to enjoy his time more. But if there is only one salary, it will weight on him.
    – Do you have a degree? It goes with my previous point, I would urge you to get some kind of degree now while you are still young. It doesn’t need to be fancy but it will provide your family and yourself with additional security. If you have another child now, it will be very hard to do so.

    As to you main question, try to have a discussion with your husband about your future. What are your common goals/wants/needs? Maybe your husband wants to do additional studies, travel, find a better job? All of this questions will help you understand if the timing is good for your family.

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