While I (29M) was studying at a restaurant, a guy came up to me and gave me his number and insta on a note that said “text me” as he was leaving the place.

While I appreciate someone showing interest in me, I’ve never quite been in this situation before and don’t quite know what’s the right thing to do. Should I text him just to tell him I’m not interested in guys? Or should I just not make contact at all?

  1. 22 Year old Guy Here:

    This is a sticky situation because I think no contact could be a little crushing for him right, but contact could make it tricky. I would say add him on Instagram and message him and say “Hey, I think it was really brave of you to give me your contact info like that. I’m not looking for anything other than friends right now.” or something to that effect, that way he doesn’t have your phone number, but he is validated in his confidence to approach someone like that.

  2. Toss in the trash, dude gets your socials or number and you could be just asking for trouble.

  3. I would just throw it in the bin personally. But you could always text that you were flattered etc. but are not interested. Worst case scenario he takes your compliment and becomes a crazy stalker right?

  4. OP says he isn’t interested in guys, so don’t contact him. Take the flattery OP and move on, he already knew you might not contact him. And if you did even to say no you might get his hopes up. As a gay man I am telling you no contact is best in this scenario.

  5. You just simply not make contact at all. The social dance of him giving you his number, is that if you wish to contact him you can, but there’s no obligation for you to actually do so.

  6. No point messaging if you’re not interested. Just be flattered that someone liked the look of you but you don’t need to message back. Your not messaging is you saying you’re not interested. Being polite gets you nothing but the possibility of a crazy stalker, not saying he is but why open yourself up to it.

  7. Take it from a woman, who did the exact same thing, you are thinking about doing: Throw it away.

    I did text the guy and said I appreciate the interest but I’m taken and thus have no interest in keeping contact.
    Dude threw a fit, called me names and harrassed me online for the next 3 months until it eventually died down.

    I’m not saying everyone would behave like that, but imo the outcome is not worth the risk.
    I’d personally never do that again.

  8. Say thank you and smile. It takes a lot of courage to approach someone, so I try to always be appreciative of the effort, no matter what.

    If I’m not interested, I don’t call.

  9. The whole point of giving your number instead of asking is to keep it low pressure. The ball is now in your camp to do whatever you want.

    So the easy thing to do is simply to never text him if your not interested.

  10. Just don’t call. Telling someone is kind of hurtful. He put himself out there politely, good for him- and he hoped you’d call but he knows there’s no obligation. No need to publicly embarrass him, or make him feel hesitant to do that in the future.

  11. No, don’t contact him. When this happens to women, we just throw the number away. You don’t want a stranger to have your number, it’s not always safe.

  12. Discard it. I have been at a restaurant and a very cute server has waited on me. I leave my business card with my personal cell phone on it. If I do not hear within 24 hours, she’s not interested, and that’s ok.

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