I asked this girl out about a month ago. She laughed (innocently) and said she wasn’t sure she couldn’t fit it into her schedule. We remained on good terms.

Later that day she texted me asking for a favor. I thought it was odd at the time since we have no texting relationship, but I did it.

Then a few days ago she texted me out of the blue asking me for another obscure favor. Again, I did it. I also tried to start a conversation, but I think I came on too strong and effectively killed it.

But only NOW it’s dawning on me how much I suck at picking up hints. My friend says the fact she texted me first is a big deal. Which is where I find myself here.

Should I text her again at some point? Should I drop it and just move on (current plan, only I know I’ll see her in the future so there’s that). What’s your best text dating advice? I could never get anywhere back on Tinder.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Take a stab at it. Ask her if she can do a favor and be your +1 on whichever night her schedule allows.

  2. What were these “Favors”?

    You might read that as her leaving the door open but she could just be using you.

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