I know that no one else can really tell me if I should end it or not but I want opinions. My boyfriend is perfect on paper, I can trust him 100% and he treats me like a princess. He respects me and is very gentle with me. But I think the ”role models” he has are questionable. When I have asked his opinion on Andrew Tate his opinion is too neutral. He says he does not support his ”bad side”, aggressive behaviour and misogyny but I feel he kind of looks up to his ”business side”, Tate ”has some good points” but he does not agree on bad things. That makes me feel uncomfortable because the good things should not be more important than the problemacy of this character. My bf says also that Tate should be seen through a critical lens and young boys should not take a model on his attitude towards women, luckily. My bf sees women and men as equal and does support my career and my independency etc. But he also says that he does not believe Tate being a rapist or human trafficker until that’s proven. My boyfriend also likes listening to Joe Rogan and thinks that Jordan Peterson is a smart guy. All I’ve heard about these guys is that theyre not so good apparently.
Like I said before my bf treats me amazingly good, says that only stupid men bash women and call women females etc and he has good values overall I think but I can’t help feeling uncomfortable about his neutrality on Tate’s actions. He says that because Tate has money he can be falsely accused by women etc. We’ve had a lot of discussions on this topic but I can’t seem to find peace. The order above does not make sense and sorry english is not my native language. I just want opinions. Thanks.

  1. I would listen to some of the people he has as role models and make your own opinion on their content. I know that Jordan Peterson has gotten bad media based on his right leaning political views, but a lot of his discussions on happiness, accountability, and parenting are really fascinating to hear.

  2. Tate’s “business side” is a pyramid scheme and manipulating girls into doing porn.

    Tate’s points “make sense” in a mysoginistic way.

  3. I want to add that he does not ”follow” any of these guys but I don’t think that really matters

  4. JFC, to me it sounds as if you were complaining about “he is a very nice guy, he is almost perfect, but he likes blueberries, and I like tomatos. Is it a deal breaker?”. Seems like it is a dealbreaker for sure but only for him.

  5. Tbf Peterson or Rogan, fair enough. You may not agree with or like them, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people listening to their podcasts.

    Tate on the other hand… I mean I respect that he was a champion kick-boxer and that he’s good at chess, but otherwise he’s a criminal and a predator, don’t know what there is to admire.

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