If you got $50,000 from a family trust fund every year how would that change the way you live??

  1. It would do a lot. It would basically completely change my life.

    I’d probably spend more time trying to find a job i enjoy more, and i’d probably feel a lot more comfortable with my finances.

    I’d probably try to get a house within the next year or two, and try to pay it off over the next 6-7 years.

  2. It would provide slight peace of mind but it wouldn’t stop me or the wife from working. 50k only goes so far.

  3. I would work a bit less (currently doing between 10-14 hours a day) and go on vacations twice a year. I’m into cars a lot so i guess i would a bit on a nice car as well

  4. With that I would be financially independent although barely, but it would be enough to not HAVE to work at any job so I could have some more freedom with my time and where I work.

  5. That’s £40k so that’s a pretty good salary. I would max out my pension each year for a 5 years or so, then I’d use the money to buy a house and lease it. Then I’d renovate my own house before moving to a smaller house and having a passive income. Then, I’d take up early retirement and keep bees pretty much full time.

  6. Y’all acting like 50k wouldn’t be enough 😭 that’d be more money than I’ve ever made in a year

  7. It’s not a life-changing amount for me, but it would be nice. I’d just dump it in a series of high-yield dividend ETFs and REITs and reinvest the payments for 15-20 years so that later on, it will keep pace with inflation. It would advance my retirement goals.

  8. Meh. Probably send it to the kids trust accounts if I can’t convert the whole thing for them.

  9. Seeing as that’s roughly double my income and I live a comfortable life that I enjoy already, I’d keep my basics the same, never work again, and spend the extra $25k a year on travel and leisure, and I’d be able to fund and have the free time for being in a touring band even if we didn’t make any money playing shows.

    Or I’d just buy an RV and live in it year round following the nice weather around the country.

  10. I’d change my job to what I wanted to do rather then the one that makes more money. Would def get that house with some property and probably start a garden or something. Probably lease some nice hunting land as well

  11. It wouldn’t change my current life too much other than to fast track my retirement goals.

  12. That would be around 5 times more than average income in my country. In few years I would be able to afford my own house without mortgage.

    And ofc it would improve my life greatly, since as most people I didn’t even earn average wage in my last job.

  13. It would be a nice add-on to my retirement income. Therefore I would probably resign from my job and retire sooner

  14. In Slo, average pay is around 2k (before taxes), I would go live by the sea side with my family and pursue things I wanted, quiting my job

  15. That is more than doubling my current annual salary. So short term, in the first year, my house gets paid off. In the second year, I get to buy a brand-new car. I have never got to have a brand-new car. I have not had a legit vacation since ’99 where I actually went somewhere and stayed in a hotel. The kids and I could buy whatever we wanted from the grocery store without waiting for pork chops to be on clearance. It would 100% change my life…

  16. Short term…

    zfix my Teeth, and get a decent car…

    Do some Fixing around the House… all the little shit I dont have time or money for

  17. First thing I’d do is pay off anything with an interest rate of 10% or higher. After that, pay off my student loans. I have $60k left.

    Then, finish out some home improvements I’m in the middle of doing, but I’d hire contractors. Time is valuable.

    After that, I’ll be maxing out my TSA at work ($22k), taking $25k from the $50k and dumping it into my portfolio for the next 4 years (I retire in 2029)

    After retiring, I’ll be dumping all of it into my portfolio. One of my equities alone (PSEC) has consistently paid almost 10% in dividends.

  18. I’d still keep working and just send that money straight into my retirement fund. I want to be one of those guys that can afford to buy a cabin on a cruise ship and sale the world in comfort and safety. I loved my time in the NAVY and would love to spend my days on a ship.

  19. I would find the easiest, chillest job i can find and just relax. My sanity would still require me to work to keep my mind sharp, but stress is something that i would not want to deal with anymore. A 50k trust added to a 25k per year side job would be enough for me to be happy

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