What is a daily inconvenience “major” or “minor” that you wish you could eliminate from your day? (serious question)

  1. Minor: when my coffee makes me need to poo at an inconvenient time

    Major: it’s one of the days I’m working in the office instead of from home and it’s not as simple as double-checking that my camera is off and my mic is muted

  2. Just the constant maintenence of life crap. Dishes laundry cleaning etc, so much wasted time and energy just maintaining things

  3. Recycling. I hate how quickly all the empty carton boxes and plastic packaging and glass jars from food and shopping piles up, I hate putting them in different bins and I hate taking all these different bins out and empty them in separate containers and then bring the fucking bins back inside and clean them only to have them fill up in a few days again. I do it, but I hate it, it pisses me off and it takes up so much space indoors. I’d donate a kidney to whoever comes up with a way to put a tiny black hole in my closet that only gulps up my recycling.

  4. Brushing my hair and peeing. My hair is rather long and tangles easily. Combing it is a must, but it also is what causes most of my hair loss. Also idk why but I hate peeing.

  5. The permanent tiredness and being exhausted all day no matter what I do or how much I sleep…

    I just want some energy… please…

  6. The lack of public transportation in my area. Like, it would be so nice if my kids could take the subway to and from school, rather than us having to drive them. (We are outside of the bus area for their schools.)

  7. Worrying about our spoiled pups from the second we leave the house until the minute one of us returns home…thank goodness we don’t have human kids. I can’t even imagine.

  8. Minor: cleaning my glasses

    Major: having to do literally anything to earn my salary. Why can’t they just pay me to sleep?

  9. My ocd over exercising. I like my mornings because I have the most energy for deep thought work. But I can’t relax until I’ve exercised. If I exercise, i usually finish too late for that deep thought work. I’m really rigid with my time and schedules so this might not make sense to other people but it frustrates me to no end

  10. My apartment has next to no storage space. Definitely minor but figuring out what to do with my stuff is a challenge

  11. Major:dogs. I’m scared of them was attacked. Don’t like them and their everywhere here in Florida. Wanna Walk around the block – stray dogs about. Neighbors bring their dogs to shit on your lawn cause godforbid they shit on theirs. They bring them in the restaurants, while shopping. Many different local events things that don’t even have to be about dogs end in being about dogs and dog friendly. Even when I find things or places where dogs aren’t to be they are still brought. (This is my inconvenience doesn’t have to be yours nor am I fighting dog owners views)

    Minor: the what to eat debacle. Life would be easier If we just drank water the way cars need gas. 😅

  12. Minor: potty training the puppy

    Major: trying to stay ahead of the constant chaos that my brain wants to create

  13. Carrying groceries inside. I hate it I hate it I hate it. It’s unreal how miserable I am when I think about it

  14. Rush-hour traffic. Wishing I could either transport to work or get my Jeannie on and I’m there within folded arms and a blink

  15. Eating. I hate eating and everything that goes with it, like deciding what to eat and then preparing the meal. It just feels like a chore.

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