I need male and female opinion on the title.

What do you think if you and your girlfriend both work and earn a decent salary, Mid 20s but your girlfriend has this mentality?

I believe if you are in a relationship each person should be independent and have their own account but there should also be a 50/50 split.

I don’t believe in “the guy should bring in everything” outdated mindset. I grew up in a household with 3 independent strong women so I don’t know if I’m being unfair … or should I give up my savings to my “future wife”

  1. Sadly its the mentality if alot of women nowadays. If I hear any variation of this, I’m out. Its not worth my time dealing with women with that mentality.

  2. The question isn’t what everyone thinks.

    You need to agree with your relationship or it doesn’t work.

    Mob opinion doesn’t change your relationship. Discuss together what you believe, what she believes, how you both think things should be handled and decide if you are both compatible.

  3. You definitely don’t give up your savings account when you’re not actually married.

    Do you live together? Have you actually discussed how you’re splitting the bills?

  4. Men and Women are equals. There is no free ride. Some people like to have the best of both worlds. It isn’t fair. You have to decide what you will put up with. Do you believe that men and women are equal, and should each be responsible adults?

    I would think twice about being in a relationship with someone who felt that they were entitled to my money due to gender. Women have fought long and hard to be equal to men. Don’t fall for a double standard. I am an older woman btw.

  5. if you both make comparable money and she’s not planning on stopping (IE: To be a SAHM)… then 3 accounts: your account, her account, both account. “Equitable” amounts going in to both for bills – if you make more? then 60/40 for bills. Or 50/50. Or whatever is reasonable.

    Your money is your money? Then my money is my money. That goes both ways.

    I’ve been in a our money is our money relationship.

  6. I find the best way to deal with this is to divide all the money. I’ll run an example to explain, it keeps all the shit fair.

    One person makes 20,000

    One makes 25,000

    Split all the bills, the expenses and the leisure money in a 4:5 ratio.

    This means the person making 25k will pay a little more bills, but will still have a little more spending money.

    Ratio it all up on income, and have the same ratio of fun money as each other.

    Make it fair, keep it fair, keep arguments out.

    The other option is you give her half of all the expenses, and keep half of your own money for you.

    Don’t be a mug, don’t take the piss, find a way to treat each other fairly.

  7. Of course you shouldn’t tank your savings at your age. Save your money. Anyone who says “x should bring in everything” is just a gold digger and a mooch.

  8. Its all about balance, be sure you have a balance before you share your actual “balance”

  9. I have seen a lot of systems work for handling finances. What is more important is mutual agreement and respect. For this reason it’s important to figure it out sooner.

    Some poeple have their own finances, sometimes splitting bills. Others have one person, usually the higher income one, pay for most things and don’t share costs at all. I have even seen poeple who agree to keep their income private.

    Just because I earn most the money and consider it “our money” with my wife, we do set aside “my” and “her” money, I think what is more important is grown adults just need to communicate and figure out something they can both work with.

  10. Generally it’s 50/50, or the split is equal to your pay (higher income pays more).

    But this is completely subjective. What works for me might not work for you, and vice versa. I sought someone with a similar mindset as mine, just as it’s your right to seek a person who shares your view on this issue.

  11. I think you should send your 1955 girlfriend back to her time and find someone of similar mind.

  12. The 50’s are over. Everyone should contribute an equitable amount towards shared expenses. If you both can’t agree about finances then you need to rethink the relationship.

  13. Female opinion here. Things should be 50/50. My husband and I keep separate accounts for convenience but share expenses. We take turns paying for dinners out and other luxuries. Anyone who goes into a relationship with the idea that their money is theirs but the partners money is shared isn’t looking for a true partnership and needs to mature a little more. It shows a level of selfishness, along with a lack of personal responsibility.

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