So I’ve (34m) been married to my wife (35f) 10 years, I was her first man and I lied that she was my first woman, we are both religious and I didn’t want to hurt her. I used to cheat on all my previous relationships and she found out, she is really upset and thinks that I cheated on her as well.

Any advice what I could do ? How can I convince her that I didn’t cheat on her ?

  1. You can’t because you’re a cheater, even if you didn’t cheat on her.

  2. You started your relationship based on a lie so the trust is broken, and I am not even sure if it is something that you can fix as you have a pattern on cheating on all your relationships and you removed her autonomy away in terms of her falling with a cheater as I believe if she knew on your previous actions she wouldn’t have dated you let alone marry you by lying about your true nature to her. That is extremely selfish of you and self-serving of you. If I was you, I would give her space to think and let her know if she has any questions on the dude you were before then you are willing to talk about it. You have to ask yourself why you cheated consistently and once you know then you can tell your wife of how you “changed”.

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